Tour de What?
On Saturday, Allison and I embarked on a cycling adventure like none other in D.C. Tour de Fat is a cycling festival sponsored by the New Belgium Brewing Co. We braved the inefficiencies of the D.C. Metro and arrived at Yards Park in SE minutes prior to the parade beginning. We were warmly greeted by a WABA volunteer, paid our $5 donation for registration and after a quick pee break we were in a parade. In total the parade was just over 5 miles long. The parade route headed east on M Street, continued onto the Anacostia Riverwalk Trail until we veered left into the RFK parking lot.
When we returned to Yards Park M.O.R.E. volunteers valeted our bikes and we off to enjoy the festival/carnival/circus. Local food and cycling vendors were available along with New Belgium libations. My favorite part, aside from the actual bike ride, was the coral of out of this world bicycles. These bikes had been modified with new tires, gears, seat positions, and additional riders. Some of the bikes were more difficult to ride than other, but they all provided entertainment for spectators.
The proceeds from the event benefitted M.O.R.E., WABA, and Black Women Bike D.C.
Hopefully, the tour will be returning to D.C. next summer.