Through His Son's Eyes

Guatemalan HighlandsI want to share a blog post from my friend and pastor Jason (I also consider him to be a mentor, although I am not sure he would like that label).  He is in Guatemala along with 30 or so volunteers building stoves and a school kitchen in the remote village named Chiqusis.  The group is working with the Highland Support Project.  Also on this trip is his youngest son.  Jason shared the trip as if he was observing it through his son's eyes.

"As his dad, it’s like Christmas morning for me, getting to see the wonder in his eyes as he opens a secret that this new place has gifted to him. I’m delighting in seeing his delight that a place in the world could be so different that you have to do something different with your toilet paper after you've done your business."

I hope that this writing by Jason will be used as inspiration to current fathers and those who one day will begin caring for children of their own.

Please pray for the safe return of our mission team as they continue to serve and for their journey home.

Seeing Guatemala Through My Son's Eyes