sanitation, toilets, you, and Chuicutama

You can take all of the funny videos that have floated around over the past two years of Jason sitting on a toilet and forget about them.  They are a funny way for Aldersgate to bring attention to a global need: sanitation.  For many of us, just the word toilet upsets our first world (middle class) sensibilities.  We do not like to talk about toilets, let alone what goes on it a toilet.  We do not like to talk about toilets or what goes on in a toilet because have toilets.  But for many people around the world what goes on in a toilet, or outhouse, has serious implications for their life. Families around the world live with the reality of not having safe drinking water or a place to do their daily business.  Water used for drinking, cooking, and bathing is contaminated by latrines or lack thereof.  Over the past few weeks Christians across America have become enraged by the idea that World Vision would employ people in same-sex relationships.  The anger felt, cause those same people to change the way they help World Vision.

What if we could feel that same level of anger at the way people around the world have to live?  What if we had that much anger about the current lack of sanitation for many people around the world cause us to change the way we view the world?  What if our changed view of the world caused us to act?

Check out this video from the Highland Support Project.  I have had the opportunity to work along side those who live in Chuicutama, Guatemala on this very project.  If your middle class sensibilities are upset by what you see, then respond by helping fund the rest of the project, or consider joining the team in Chuicutama in July.

Do you want to learn more about this Lenten project at Aldersgate?  Click here for more information!