Rod Dreher & The Benedict Option
Last week we had David Fitch on the podcast to talk about his book, Faithful Presence: Seven Disciplines That Shape the Church for Mission. This week's episode about the Benedict Option is the yin to David's yang.
When Jason first told me Rod Dreher (that's right, THAT Rod Dreher) of The American Conservative had agreed to come onto Crackers & Grape Juice honestly I had no idea who the guy ways (sorry Rod). After a quick Google search and reading an excert of his new book, The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation, I was convinced this conversation was going to go one of two ways: milk-toast boring or a shouting match where I was playing referee between Rod, Jason, and maybe Morgan.
While I don't agree with everything Rod wrote or spoke about in book or on the podcast I can tell you I appreciate the sincerity with which he spoke.
As Jason put it, "Rod Dreher turned out to be a wonderfully kind and thoughtful guy. His book turned out to be one that could have easily been written by my muse Stanley Hauerwas. And the dust jacket it turns out wasn’t written by him at all."
And here in-lies the problem we are facing today in the church and in the large ings or society. We are completely unwilling to consider that someone else's point of view, theology, beliefs, or whatever you want to call it might be acceptable. We want to move on with the idea that the other side is wrong and that we are right, and because of this, we must degrade, belittle, and embarrass those with whom we do not agree with in the public arena.
I'll be the first the say I don't think it is a good idea for the Church to retreat at a time where Jesus is desperately needed. I don't think the Benedict Option is a good option, but it is an option, and at the least, we might be able to learn something from it.
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If you will be at the Annual Conference of the Virginia Annual Conference of the UMC, please consider joining us for Pub Theology on June 15th at Bull Island Brewing Company. This is the unofficial kickoff party for Annual Conference. This year’s theme will be ‘Fatih and Political Engagement' with special guest, the profane and profound Dr. Jeffrey Pugh, author of the new book The Home-Brewed Christianity Guide to the End Times: Theology After You’ve Been Left Behind. Live music will be provided by the Clay Mottley Band. Food will be available on site.
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