Kosher Starbucks?
Founded in 2007, Kosher Starbucks researches everything Starbucks to determine which drinks/foods from the coffee monarchy are permissible for those following strict Jewish kosher laws. Recently featured in the NY Times, founder Uri Ort shared his passion for coffee and how the website is a tool for those seeking to follow kosher requirements.
"The rules for what ingredients are kosher, and what keeps utensils kosher, are many and complicated. To help sort matters out, Mr. Ort and his younger brother, Teddy, started a Web site that they say hundreds of thousands have consulted, to see what is permissible to eat and drink at America’s favorite coffee house."
Rabbi Sholem Fishbane has also complied a guide to Starbucks for those who are seeking to follow kosher laws.
Last year I read Laura Winner's Mudhouse Sabbath. In the book Winner, a convert to Christianity for Judaism, examines how certain practices of Jews could have a positive impact on Christianity. Would strict kosher laws be beneficial to Christians? Are there other aspects of Jewish tradition that have been forgotten by Christians which should be revived to help strengthen Christian's faith and relationship with God?