Have Yourself a Merry Little Advent

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Since the big-box stores had their Christmas displays set up before Labor Day weekend this seems like the right time to share with the world a project I have been working on since this time last year.

Last year (while I was already busy writing ordination papers and trying to finish seminary) Abingdon Press asked me if I would be interested in writing their Daily Advent Devotionals for 2019. If you have known me for any length of time, you know that I have no problem sharing my thoughts with anyone who will listen (regardless if they wanted to hear my thoughts or not). While the word count restrictions proved to be a challenge what emerges throughout the devotional is that there are no limits to the promise made to us by God in Christ.

In the devotional you will find my attempt to share the journey of Advent, looking towards the Incarnation through the lenses of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament.

My editor rightfully described the devotionals as a “reflection upon God’s promises and love for the world.”

The devotionals are available in printed and digital forms and are intended to be shared beyond the walls of the local church. I invite you to join me in the coming months to consider how we might center ourselves as we prayerfully enter this season of anticipation and preparation.

Buy the devotional as an e-book or a pack of ten. Share the devotional with your faith community, in-laws, neighbors, and barber. Order now to ensure you are able to begin the devotional on December 1!

Do me a favor, please? After you buy a few packs to hand out to your friends and family, leave me a review on Amazon. Your review will help ensure others find the Devotional through Amazon’s algorithms.