Dangers of Christmas - #4

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At the beginning of December the Huffington Post featured an article on the

 12 dangers of Christmas

.  The article focused on fire safety during the holiday season.  They covered everything from your Christmas tree drying out and catching the drapes on fire to burning down your home while preparing your roast beast.

The article got me thinking, what if there were other dangers during Christmas?  What if, aside from falling off your roof while working on your light display and over roasting your chestnuts, there were hidden dangers during the season of advent that most of us overlook.

Over the next 15 days I am going to share my 12 dangers of Christmas.  So here we go,

christmas sweater
christmas sweater

#4 - Christmas Sweaters

The 90's called, they want their sweater back.

Shoulder pads, festive scenes created out from felt and sequins, and the possibility of lights... who doesn't love a Christmas sweater?  We all have memories of standing with mom in front of the Christmas tree smiling for the camera while she donned her best for the family holiday a photo.

Today many people attend ugly Christmas sweater parties to pay homage to those knitted memories we had as children.  So, if you are going to don you momma's sweater here are some tips from yours truly:

  1. If you're going to wear, own it! There is nothing worse than someone who feels uncomfortable in their own skin (or sweater) at a social gathering.  So if you are going to wear the sweater, make sure you are willing and able to strut your stuff.
  2. Do not wear a Christmas sweater to your office holiday party!  I really should not have to explain this one.
  3. If you're choosing a Christmas vest, you better be ready to rock the matching turtleneck.
  4. Fresh batteries.  If your sweater requires batteries, be sure to replace those batteries.  I'd recommend doing so when you change the batteries in your smoke detector.

If you follow these 4 simple rules, you will without a doubt be able to rock that Christmas sweater this holiday season!