Baptists Like Big Buts Too
One of the perks of hosting a podcast is the friendships I get to have with other podcast hosts. In a world where befriending the competition is frowned upon, I am happy to note that in our little corner of the Christian podcast there is little rivalry and more friendship and support than I could have ever imagined.
One of the first friendships I was able to make after launching Crackers and Grape Juice was with a Baptist pastor in Oklahoma. I have never been to Oklahoma but because of Todd Littleton I hope to make the trip sometime soon.
Rev. Todd Littleton, host of /patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian
Todd is the host of the /patheological/: A Podcast for the Pastor-Theologian. Todd is adamant that all pastors should be and are theologians. This podcast will cause you to think, scratch your head, and then think some more.
Recently, Todd invited the Crackers and Grape Juice team on the show to talk about our book, I Like Big Buts.
Give the episode a listen as Todd gets us thinking and talking about the book and preaching in ways we have not yet done during the promotion of the book.
From the show notes:
If you did not read carefully, you may have mistaken a conjunction for a noun. Spelling is key. Taking note of words and how they are used both spares of embarrassment and enlightens.
When it comes to words and provocation, the Crackers over at Crackers & Grape Juice work hard. Consider the title of their new book.
I Like Big Buts
When the gang looked for ways to help support their stable of podcasts, the idea came to publish a book of their sermons on Paul’s Epistle, Letter, to the Christians in Rome. Last year Romans figured prominently in the summer Lectionary Texts. Jason, Taylor, and Teer, at their respective churches, preached through Romans. I am not sure which of the three came up with the title for the book, but the title is one of the Jason Micheli’s sermons.
Micheli proves himself a solid mentor to Taylor and Teer as they too offer sermons, and even sermon titles, that demonstrate an awareness to pop culture and current events. However, these are not your typical fare. Rather than offer sermon lite with a mashup of culture, social, political references, they display a careful reading of Paul that takes him more serious than the current trend to find out why Paul should be ignored.
Give the episode a listen and the show a 5-star rating on iTunes (and buy the book)!
Do us a couple of favors, would you?
- Buy the book. You can find it on Amazon here. Or go to and purchase it through the links at the bottom of the page.
- Tell other people about the book. Share the links above on social media. It gives you something to post other than cat pictures or your Trump rage.
- Leave a review of it in Amazon. It helps other people discover it.
Thank you to everyone who has purchased the book, shared it with a friend, and reviewed it on Amazon. It is humbling to know that so many support the podcast and the work done by the entire team.