2019's Top Blog Posts
Photo by Jesus Kiteque on Unsplash
Looking back, 2019 was a burr. I began the year in South Dakota on the Pine Ridge Reservation. I spent some time in Saint Louis for the United Methodist General Conference. I podcasted more than ever with my Crackers & Grape Juice team. Our church became a Reconciling congregation. I graduated from seminary and was commissioned as Provisional Elder. I went on vacation. I published two books. I met with United Methodist Leaders in Kansas City.
On top of all that, I wrote more than I ever have.
Here are the top posts from this blog over the past year. Not surprisingly, the top post was not written by me.
Closed Hearts, Closed Minds, Closed Doors.
The United Methodist Church has been home for me for almost half of my life, all of my adult life. I’ve never felt like an outcast or an outsider. I’ve been welcomed into stranger’s homes because of our commonality of being a United Methodist. I’ve baptized our children in the United Methodist Church. I’ve debated theology and polity, I’ve asked hard questions, and every single time it’s been welcomed with open minds and thoughtful consideration.
Jesus, Put in a Cage and Denied a Flu Shot
In all we do, in all we post and tweet, in all we pray, may we, Christ’s body the Church, point away from ourselves and to Jesus Christ
There's No Place For You
In advance of the Special Sex Conference in St. Louis, Jason and I talked with journalist, blogger, and former UMC pastor Christy Thomas. Christy breaks down the various proposals before the UMC regarding sexuality, why the Traditionalist Plan is the Mean Girl Plan, and why there’s no future for me in the UMC.
Voices of General Conference
In an effort to provide honest conversations from the 2019 Special General Conference, the Crackers & Grape Juice team invited supporters of all of the plans being considered by the United Methodist Church’s governing body to explain why the plan they support is the correct plan
You Can't Legislate Away Grace
It is Transfiguration Sunday, the day we recall the fullness of Jesus’ identity being revealed and confirmed, connecting Jesus with the liberators and prophets of Israel’s past. While little of what happened in a once indoor NFL stadium resembled a group of people following Jesus, today, a few days removed from General Conference, Jesus is still the transfigured Messiah, guiding his disciples down the mountain, heading towards the cross
Thank you to everyone who has subscribed and supported this blog over the years. 2020 has great things in store for all of us. Until then, Grace & Peace