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Not Her Party

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Episode 283 - Gretchen Purser: Not My Party Crackers & Grape Juice

“When you say you ‘don’t like Trump personally but you vote for his policy,’ THIS– almost 600 children intentionally orphaned at the border– is his policy. You call that Pro Life? If you are a Christian Trump supporter, I double dog dare you to tell me what you think Jesus would have to say. ’Trump says all the things we’ve always wanted to say.’ Really? Then what does it say about us as Americans if Trump’s outer monologue is our inner monologue?”

Our guest for episode #282 is a former Republican campaign operative and fundraiser, Gretchen Purser.

Raised a conservative Baptist in Oklahoma, Gretchen retired in 2009 from a 20-year career in politics, raising over a billion dollars for the Republican Party, candidates, and causes. She worked for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the Christian Coalition during the 1996 Presidential Campaign, the President’s Dinner, George W Bush’s Inaugural. As an RNC consultant and finance director, Gretchen oversaw the McCain Victory finance team as well as the Bush finance team in the 2008 campaign.

Donald Trump’s Republican Party is NOT her party nor is it the Pro-Life, Character Counts, Christian Values party for which she worked for two decades, and she’s on the podcast to share her concern and righteous indignation.

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