A Cruce Salus

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Johanna, Jason, and I discuss 'a cruce salus' on the latest episode of (Her)Men*You*tics.

From the Latin: Salvation comes from the cross, literally. Whatever we mean by God saving us is tied to Christ dying on the cross. Originated by Martin Luther, we are made whole by Christ. We are made complete and holy restored. All of our sinfulness is taken on by Christ upon the cross. 

Paul tells us in Romans 8 that nothing can separate us from Christ. Hendrikus Berkhof sums this list up as 'creatures', meaning that no create on earth can separate us from the love and grace of Jesus.

Each week on (Her)Men*You*tics we’ll be tackling a theological term that you’ve either heard before or you’ve heard it doing its work in worship whether you realized it or not. We’re going alphabetically, 2 words per letter, and we’re doing it all in 25 minutes or less.


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